Fallout 4 file size with dlc xbox

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While all of the aforementioned assets are indeed exciting, some Fallout 4 fans have expressed their dissatisfaction with the fact that Bethesda has declared Nuka World to be the the game's last DLC. Furthermore, it has been listed that the region features an 'open Wasteland and park zones,' such as the Safari Adventure, Dry Rock Gulch, Kiddie Kingdom, and Galactic Zone, with new quests, Raiders, weapons, creatures, and even more to be expected for the Fallout 4DLC. Of course, Bethesda has yet to completely reveal all of Nuka World's materials, but the studio has described its environment as being an abandoned theme park controlled by outlaws, and that the Sole Survivor can even become a Raider. According to a new a new Steam Database entry, the upcoming add-on is going to be 3.66 GB, which is quite bigger than the game's last narrative-driven DLC, Far Harbor, for its contents weighed in at 2.7 GB. There's no doubt that Fallout 4 fans are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the open world title's Nuka World DLC, and with that being the case, most of those would-be Wastelanders are probably wondering exactly how much storage space the expansion's file will need.

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A recent Steam Database entry for Bethesda Softworks' Fallout 4 reveals the file size of the post-apocalyptic RPG's forthcoming expansion known as Nuka World.

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